

The Power of Intention

2022-08-22T07:38:47-05:00August 22, 2022|

Lisa wants to feel happy again. Under the weight of family and work responsibilities, she's been stressed and exhausted. Yet, she knows she loves her family and career and desires a joyful life. Travis wants [...]

How Well Do You Manage Your Energy?

2022-04-10T19:42:07-05:00April 10, 2022|

When the demands at work and burdens of a busy life take their toll on our work performance, we tend to think that managing our time better will improve the situation.   If we can [...]

The Importance of Play in Our Lives

2022-04-03T19:22:52-05:00April 3, 2022|

If it feels like you have less leisure time and fewer unstructured “play” hours in your life, you’re not alone. Consider these statistics: The average married couple works 26 percent longer each year than similar [...]


2022-03-13T21:23:35-05:00March 13, 2022|

“My candle burns at both ends/it will not last the night.” —Edna St. Vincent Millay Burnout is a condition that affects us physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually. One of the first physical symptoms of [...]

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